On December 8 and 9, the Centre de droit économique (Aix-Marseille Université) and the University of Salento co-organized an Italo-French seminar (directed by Professors David Bosco and Fabiana di Porto) on the topic of the regulation of the Metaverse, in the wake of the European announcements of an initiative on the subject. It was the occasion for the first academic reflections on the subject, introduced by the point of view of representatives of the Italian (Mr. Andrea Pezzoli) and French (Mr. Henri Piffaut) competition authorities. Is there a need for new rules in this area? Can we use the rules of competition law? of the DMA? of the DSA? Should we limit merger operations in the sector? Can the concept of interoperability be useful? What is the place of essential facilities doctrine? What about the idea of self-regulation? How to analyze the technical characteristics of the Metaverse as the recommendations? Can we imagine a Metaverse competition authority? These many questions are addressed in the seminar.


8 December

14.00 – Opening speech David Bosco (Aix-Marseille Univ.) Fabiana Di Porto (Salento Univ.)

14.15 – Keynote Speeches : Regulator’s insights

Chair: Marc Mossé (Aix-Marseille Univ.)

Andrea Pezzoli, Director Gen., Autorità Garante della Concurrenza e del Mercato, Italy

Henri Piffaut, Vice-Président, Autorité de la concurrence, France


8 December

16.00-18.00 – The Regulation Scenario Chair: Fabiana di Porto (Salento Univ.)

David Bosco (Aix-Marseille Univ.) Regulation of Metaverse: Is there a gap to be filled?

Valeria Falce (Università Europea di Roma) EU Metaverse: from the European Intent to the new Italian competition solution

Yaniv Benhamou (Univ. Geneva – Uni Mail) Self-regulation: an appropriate tool to regulate the metaverse?

Giuseppe Colangelo (Univ. Basilicata) New business models, old debates: the Metaverse and the fair share of network costs


9 December

9.00-12.00 – Which regulation tools?

Chair: David Bosco (Univ. Aix-Marseille)

Fabiana Di Porto (Salento Univ.)
Metaverse and Interoperability

Frédéric Marty (CNRS Univ. Côte d’azur)
The Metaverse as an essential facility: from platform neutrality to regulatory solutions?

Valérie-Laure Benabou (Univ. Versailles Saint-Quentin)
Everything, Everywhere, All at Once? Hierarchy, Recommendation and Competition Law in the Metaverse


9 December

Mariateresa Maggiolino (Universita Bocconi)
Tech-Mergers in the Metaverse: Hard times for first movers

Nicolas Petit (EUI) Thibault Schrepel (Amsterdam Univ.)
Competition Law in the Metaverse, a Primer


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