Resume: In a recent decision of September 26, 2023, n°23-D-09, the French Competition Authority sanctioned the National Confederation of French Tobacconists for organizing boycott practices aimed at obstructing the distribution of games from the Française Des Jeux...
Resume: The Cour de cassation clarifies the application of article L. 442-6, I, 1° of the commercial code to the price reduction obtained from a commercial partner and confirms the application of the law on restrictive competition practices to subcontracting...
Resume: In a recent decision (Cass. Com., October 19, 2022, No. 21-19.197), the Court of Cassation ruled on the litigation concerning the application of Directive No. 2014/104 in the context of follow-on actions brought before French courts. The dispute involved a...
Resume: The recent Cour de cassation decision (Cass. Com., June 7, 2023, n°22-10.545, 2 11.099, 22-11.100, B) highlights the evolving focus on harm in private enforcement cases. The case addresses the existence of damage, recognition of the umbrella effect, and...
Resume: According to the Cour de cassation, when the new owner of a company’s activity breaks off its relationship with a partner who was already working with the company, this previous relationship does not count for the calculation of the notice period in the...
Resume: In a ruling handed down on March, 16, 2023, the Court of Justice of the European Union applied its earlier Continental Can case law to a reference for a preliminary ruling, stating that a competition authority may review an ex post merger for abuse of a...